Monday, May 12, 2008

The dollars getting better, is the economy advancing as well?

The dollar regained some strength and it showed that prices of food were going down slowly. Even though the dollar had regained some strength, there are still some fears to be worried about, such as housing, debts, etc. In April, 20,000 employees lost their jobs. It wasn't as bad as it was in March where 81,000 employees lost their jobs. The unemployment rate dropped down to 0.1 percent. Since the dollar made a comeback, investors started to invest in the U.S. The dollar now is to make U.S. assets attractive to foreign buyers. The dollar’s advance has lowered food prices, however oil prices rose due to other things than the dollar.

The economy was getting better as prices went down a bit. There were 7.6 million unemployed in April, has changed to 6.8 million. Worker’s pays rose to $17.88, in April, which rose from .01 percent from last month. Over the last 12 months, wages increased by 3.4 percent. If workers continues to get higher pay, then they would spend more, if not then they would obviously spend less. To help the economy get better, the Fed lowered interest rates. The economy increased in a slow pace just by 0.6 percent. If the economy keeps getting better than the economy might get out of the recession or might prevent an recession.


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