Thursday, April 3, 2008

U.S. Currency

The U.S. currency is made of dollars and coins. The common dollars and coins are one, five, ten, twenty, fifty, and one-hundred; the coins are nickel, dime and quarter. Of course there are other bills as well, but they're rare or hard to find. Dollars that are rarely used are the two dollar bill and coins that are rarely used are the half dollar and the one dollar coin.

The dollars and coins change every now and then. The dollars have the same picture of the president but with some new design. Dollars are used around the world and some countries use them as their official currency. A few countries that use the U.S. currency as their official one are Ecuador, El Salvador and East Timor, and Palau.

The dollar was the most strongest currency of the world but now the dollar is dropping, the Euro is now higher than the cost of the dollar, as of now the Euro is more stronger. The dollar is dropping lower and lower, even the Canadian dollar has risen up to the American dollar, currently on par with the American dollar. Right now the U.S. dollar is 1.55698 to 1 Euro. And the one dollar in Canada is worth 0.989712. The dollar used to be the most highest currency but now it has fallen and it is getting lower.



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